No. The belief that Mary remained immaculately free of all sin from the moment of her conception onwards—also known as the Immaculate Conception—is not unbiblical. In fact, the biblical evidence supporting…
As a follow-up to my previous post, Jesus Had Brothers?, I thought I would build on the same topic from a different angle. As we know, both Catholics and Protestants believe in…
Catholics believe that Mary remained a virgin for her entire life. This is the dogma of Mary’s Perpetual Virginity and it is non-negotiable. Yet the New Testament says that Jesus had…

I recently asked one of my Protestant friends: “What is your biggest obstacle to becoming Catholic?” He answered my provocative question with a well-stacked list of Catholic beliefs. He replied, “Well I’ve never really agreed with the doctrines of Purgatory, the Pope, praying to saints, the Eucharist, worshipping Mary…” Immediately, I thought of a thousand different ways to reply to his honest but equally ignorant response… Do Catholics really worship Mary? I answer yes and no.
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